Tiny House of Mouse | A Family Guide to Disney

Making Memories... One Awesome Vacation at a Time!

Written by Emily Salvi | Aug 30, 2018 2:28:01 PM

Hello again fellow Mouseketeers! 

It has been a bit since I last wrote here at the Tiny House of Mouse, but the reason why is fantastic! Firstly, I have been raising and homeschooling my five amazing kids which is the honor of my life. Secondly, I have had the wonderful opportunity to teach musical theatre, voice, acting and dance at the performing arts school my children attend in the evenings and weekends. Thirdly, and last but certainly not least, my business as your favorite vacation planner continues to grow!

I have missed writing and reviewing immensely, and I want to offer great content to my favorite travel clients so here we are! 

Starting... now, you can expect at least weekly updates here on the blog.  I will give my honest opinions regarding attractions and dining, share special deals and events, and teach you how to travel on a budget!

I am also embarking on a special quest with my crew, and I hope you will follow our magical adventures. I am setting out to stay at each and every Walt Disney World Resort. All. Of. Them.  Sounds crazy? Exciting? I can't wait to get started!

I want to hear from you! What kind of information would you like to see available here on the site? Dining menus? Resort reviews? Special event information? Leave a comment below and let me know!

Have a magical day!
